Google Assistant, "account now linked" but nothing showing

I’m stuck trying to add Google Assistant to my HA.
I’ve followed the setup multiple times, all appearst to work, when I add a device in home control and select test my app name, the auth goes ok and I end up with the message “accounts now linked”, yet I have no device showing in the app. And if my test app doesn’t show as linked (so I can’t unlink it). all I have listed is my Nest.
I really don’t know what to test anymore, I’ve created a brand new project with a different email address in case there was an issue with my account, and I have the exact same issue.
Any idea or pointers?

argh nevermind!
I finally found what’s wrong: if you add expose_by_default: false to your google_assistant config and specifically list entities under entity_config, you must add expose: true for each entity.
Now I know this it seems obvious, but the doc didn’t really state it

Would you be able to submit an edit to the docs to make that clearer? Then somebody else can approve, and it’ll be live sooner :wink:

I’ve never submitted any change request yet. Let me have a look at how one might do this…

PR 4936. Hope I did it right