Google Assistant addon fails to start (Docker exit code 139)


I’ve just begun using and the google assistant addon fails to start.
Starting it from the home-assistant web UI, the login page for the addon doesn’t load and no logs are visible on the plugin page.

SSHing onto the shows the addon’s docker container has an exit-code of 139, and no logs are visible.

root@hassio:~# docker ps -a
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                                        COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS                        PORTS                NAMES
d699deb8f7b5        homeassistant/armhf-addon-google_assistant   "/"                15 minutes ago      Exited (139) 14 minutes ago                        addon_core_google_assistant

root@hassio:~# docker logs d699deb8f7b5

This is installed to a raspberryPi B.