Google assistant and temperature sensors


I am using mqtt temperature sensors, BLE and Aqara sensors in my home assistant. I added the sensors to google assistant and synced my devices. The Aqara sensors are shown within google assistant but the mqtt and BLE temperature sensors are not shown. The entities have the same name like sensor.temperature_roomx.

How can I add the sensors to google assistant?


Does anyone know what could be the problem here?

Did you ever resolve this? I tried adding an mqtt sensor a while ago and when it didn’t work I moved on and forgot about it. Going over my config now and I just noticed it and then found your post. Tried again with my aqura sensors as well and they show up but not the mqtt sensors like you have found. I might look into mqtt retain topics etc. Currently my mqtt sensors are tasmota auto discovered.

Make sure you have set the device_class for the entity. (Temperature is the class you need). I have 4 sensors in Google that are MQTT.

I did not yet solve this issue, @DavidFW1960, how do I set the device class to temperature? My Xiaomi sensors running via deconz and ESP home work just fine, my Bluetooth and MQTT devices do not work on google.

  - platform: xiaomi_hhccjcy01
    mac_address: C4:7C:8D:6A:D1:D9
      name: "Temperature_Yucca"
      name: "Moisture_Yucca"
      name: "Illuminance_Yucca"
      name: "Conductivity_Yucca"
      name: "Battery_Level_Yucca"


  - platform: dht
    pin: D7
      name: "Multisensor 01 Temperature"
      name: "Multisensor 01 Humidity"
  - platform: adc
    pin: A0
    name: "Multisensor 01 Brightness"
    unit_of_measurement: lux
      - lambda: |-
          return (x / 10000.0) * 2000000.0;```

Here is an example from customize.yaml for me…

      friendly_name: Air Temp
      device_class: temperature

This sensor would not work in Google Assistant until I added the device_class. All my ‘real’ sensors have this class by default.


I ended up getting it working by setting all my tasmota devices to auto discover (setoption 19 1) and removed the mqtt sensor from config.yaml. Once home assistant found it I renamed it to what it was previously called and a sync of my google home found the sensors.

I thought I had swapped all my sensors over to auto discover. I missed one which happened to be the one I used for testing google home.

Yeah my BME280’s on Tasmota automatically have the right class set…

Works like a charm, thnx! :+1:

I set up my temperature sensors with device_class: temperature but now whenever I ask for the temperature in say, the basement, the response I get is “the basement is currently 70 degrees and the basement temperature is off.” How do I get it to stop giving me the second part as “the basement temperature is off” makes absolutely no sense.

It treats it as a thermostat and therefore reports it as on/off… nothing you can do to change it that I know of.

Sigh, I was afraid of that. That’s super annoying. Moving from Alexa to GH and so far much happier but Alexa would just tell the temperature. Also annoying that when it’s in the “basement” room GH tries to turn it off when i say “turn off basement” and makes the response much longer.