Google Assistant App (Multiuser)

Good evening,
i am working on a multiuser Smart Home App.

This app does not require you to set up your own Google Cloud Project.

The only thing you need to enable for this app to work, is to have your API reachable from the outside, for example through DuckDNS. Make sure its set up for https as well for security reasons.

until now i implemented:

  • lights
  • switches
  • groups
  • automations
  • scripts

[update 2/25/2018]
Added: Selective entities (you can select what entity to control in the app now, this was requested by @anon35356645 )
Added: RGB bulbs (if they have supported feature 127).

[update 2/26/2018]
User handling changed: Please re-link app.

[update 3/22/2018]
synchronizing/selecting now available on website

for now you can turn on and off lights, switches, groups, scripts, automations.
you can set brightness of lights
you can set temperature of lights if supported
you can change the color of lights if supported

If you want to test the app, let me know. ( send me a PM with your gmail )

The app will ask you for your url and api_password to your hass instance.
for example:

API_URL: https://my-hass-url.tld:PORT/ or https://my-hass-url.tld/
API_PASSWORD: here you need to add the api_password what you have set in your configuration.yaml
(this is getting stored encrypted in our Database)



wanna test :slight_smile:

@thundergreen added

PM sent. Thank you very much.

@Sunonline added

Thank you very much.
Is it alright to provide the HA https information, password and api key?

you only need to provide the https and the api_password
The app needs to know where to route the request to :slight_smile:

What about if I want to expose only some entity_id and not all?

I tried your app and I added LIGHTS, but those are already linked with the Google Assistant HA component, so of course it duplicated the same item, plus added all the LIGHTS that I have not enabled with HA component.

Also please can you explain the difference with the HA googla assistant component ?

@anon35356645 thanks for testing. This app is meant for people who do not want to start their own Google Actions Project, so if you use my app, you don’t need the HA Google Assistant component. The selective entities is a good idea. i will look into this.

Is important for whom has lots of entities

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@anon35356645 i added a feature request to this

Currently testing:

@anon35356645 @Sunonline @thundergreen @dimmanramone @ikonixx @elRadix @mistrovly

Can’t wait to try this! pm sent

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Feature request added.

There is now an option to select what entity_id you want to use with the app.


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I’m getting this:

Notice: Undefined index: entity_id in /var/www/virtual/ on line 308 Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /var/www/virtual/ on line 308

To connect your Home Assistant,
please sign in!

Notice: Undefined variable: output in /var/www/virtual/ on line 335

I got it, was because I didn’t select any entities.

@dweez Thanks for pointing this out, i added a validation to this :slight_smile:

Works well, pretty cool

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added RGB bulbs (if they have supported feature 127).
Allows all common color names.

Can’t test this since i do not have a color bulb.
You need to re-link to get this feature working.

Good morning,

i changed the way the users get assigned to their entities. Please re-link the App.
