Google Assistant Component configuration possible with other servers on network?

Hi there,

I’m generally technical but am a little lost when it comes to all the various security configurations that are required for the Google Assistant component. I’m just wondering if it would even be possible to set up the component given my network (details below) and if anyone could point me in even a rough direction of how to get started, I’d appreciate it! Thanks in advance …

On my internal network, I have:

  • Verizon Fios router (because I have coax only - long story) - subnet 192.168.1.*
  • Google Wifi (because the Fios router is rubbish) - subnet 192.168.86.*
    • I have firewall configuration set up for all the incoming ports … it’s two hops, but it works
  • Windows Server Essentials 2012 R2
    • static IP
    • it hosts the main Essentials website on 80/443, with an SSL certificate for the remote name of my server (
    • in IIS on this server, I also have a virtual directory to my photo site, and a URL rewrite folder that rewrites the /subsonic URL to redirect to localhost:8080 (the port that SubSonic runs on)
  • Raspberry Pi running hassbian
    • currently, runs on port 8123, and I just port redirect directly to the RPi rather than the Windows server which is the default

I looked at using IIS rewrite to pass everything through IIS to get a valid cert, but that doesn’t seem possible (see this article ). I could get some separate domains, as suggested in that article - but I’m not sure I can convince the Fios router to route based on the name/IP instead of the port … and even then, whether I could get it through the Google Wifi firewall too (although maybe I could expose the RPi directly behind the Fios router …)

Thoughts? Suggestions? Any ideas gratefully received …


Based on all that information it doesn’t sound like you have a public IP which is required. But assuming you do…

You can configure multiple SSL sites on one public IP. I have no idea how to do this with IIS but Linux does it so I’m guessing it’s somehow possible with IIS. Once you have an addiitional SSL site on IIS you proxy it to HASS and you’re off to the races.

Here is a site I found that might get you started:

If you really can’t do it with IIS, you can setup nginx or apache or something else with the static IP and proxy what’s needed to IIS (from niginx/apache).

Any luck??

Nope - never got it working. In the end, Nabu Casa came out with their connection subscription, and I’ve been doing that ever since it launched. Works great. :slight_smile:

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