Google Assistant component maps media_player component as a switch in Google Home App

I recently added Google Assistant to my HA. However, the google Home app maps my media_player (smartir platform) as a switch (on/off toggle only).

Does anyone have any solution for GA to map the component correctly so that I can use the source selection and volume services?

Same thing happened to me with a Denon receiver

Any solution to this? I read somewhere that it is still possible to use voice commands to switch input and adjust volume. But apparently only in English. That’s kind of a dealbreaker in my house… :confused:

You can override the device_class in customize.yaml (also possible from the UI somehow):

  device_class: tv

However I cannot for the life of me get volume control working from Google this way. On the Google Home Hub / Nest Hub there are even volume +/- buttons for the device and they do not work either (they do work for my other non-smartir devices). Volume control works fine from the media player card in HA and by calling media_player.volume_up etc… so I think it has to do with smartir