Hey there!
I just bought a Google Home Mini and would like to use it to control some things of my Home Assistant setup.
I’ve done everything on the component page but I’m stuck at one point and can’t find any information about this.
The main problem right now is that the page that is supposed to be used to authorise myself is not available.
Normally “https://[YOUR HOME ASSISTANT URL]/api/google_assistant/auth” should be a page here, but this is not the case for me. I tried going to “https://[YOUR HOME ASSISTANT URL]/api/google_assistant” and “https://[YOUR HOME ASSISTANT URL]/api” but they all return a 404 error.
Could anybody help me? I could add my config if needed of course.
If you go to these page in browser you will receive error.
Have you followed this guide?
Yes I followed that guide. The only problem I have now is when I’m on step 7. I try to add it in my Google Home app and click on my new project but I get redirected to my own HA instance and there I get the 404 error.
Did you add the component and reload Home Assistant?
Yes, I added it in the configuration and reloaded a couple of times
Having the same problem have someone solved this?
Anyone find out whats going on? Typo?
On Step 7. Click the + sign, and near the bottom, you should have [test] your app name. Selecting that should lead to you the screen where you can set rooms for your devices or nicknames for your devices.
This is from google assistant app (not Goolge Home app). Open Google Assistant app > Click on the top right > You will see tab Explore, Your Stuff and … (three dot). Press … >Settings>Services>Home Control> Down right corner there is + icon>click on +>You will see Add devices tab> Look for your [test] project name, this will start will [test] in front of project name. Click on the project name. Then follows the instruction.
I had the same error. Turned out I made a mistake in the entity name and/or alias (spaces but no single quotes around them). So I would suggest, if you get a 404 on step 7, to double check your configuration.yaml google_assistant part.
I’m getting a 404 and I can’t figure out why. When adding my project in Google Home looks like it’s authenticating and then calling a url like https://my.ip/r/googleproject/…
Home Assistant is in this case returning 404. I don’t know if it matters but I’m behind Cloudflare and IIS AAR. I can guarantee that the 404 is from Home Assistant but I know not what it is trying to do. There is nothing in the logs indicating failure.
Any ideas?
I succesfully configured Google Assistant component and now i have enabled both Cloud and Google Assistant on my HASS. I would like to use the Cloud option actually as it is free and then (when the free time is over) to switch to Google Assistant one. The question is: i can unlink safely Google Assistant account for Google Assistant component and then relink again when free is over?
Currently, I use only google assistant component. However, I have test the google assistant cloud as well.
I leave it blank with no any configuration under cloud: for google assistant which mean I only have configuration only for alexa cloud. Then in Smart Home section of google assistant app on your mobile. just + hass.io (skill), then add devices to the google assistant. All of my devices in HA that google assistant have discovered are in my smart home devices.
On HA frontend, i have connected google assistant cloud.
I didn’t deactivate google assistant component. So in Smart Home Devices> show item from [test]my project name and hass.io seperately.