Google Assistant device identification

Not sure how to search for what I am looking to accomplish so this may have been already covered. If so, a link would be appreciated. My home is covered in just about every room with Google devices. Is there any way to write scripts to identify what devices are executing the command? As an example, if I walk into the master bedroom and ask google to turn on the lights, I would like it to be smart enough to know I want the lights in the master bedroom to turn on and not all the lights recognized by google assistant.

This may already exist within the Google Home app. Assign a few lights to a room in Google’s app along with the Google device and test it out. This works with Alexa.

I have the same question, I want to know if it is possible to know what google device started the script in Home asisstant. I want to know this because I want to cast an audio message to the google device that triggers the script.