Google Assistant, doesnt turn on/off all entities when in group/room

Lately , when i say like
turn off/on lights in a specific room/group

it says like , ok, turning on/off 4 lights
there are indeed 4 lights in group, but only 2 lights are turning on/off

the state in google assistant is changing correctly, but the state in HA isnt…

also for my covers , i have 4 of them
i say like, close/open all covers, but only 2 covers are changing

using nabu casa edition

anyone else seeing this?

i dont see any errors in log files, seems the command is not passed completely to HA
sync my devices doesnt help either

example here;, i said, open all covers , there are 4 of them, but only 2 are opening
seems Google is passing to HA … so i think its related to HA …

2020-05-21 12:25:01 DEBUG (MainThread) [hass_nabucasa.iot] Received message:
{'handler': 'google_actions',
 'msgid': '2c5a540b-0f55-4705-99d1-55cffb04e59f',
 'payload': {'inputs': [{'context': {'locale_country': 'BE',
                                     'locale_language': 'nl'},
                         'intent': 'action.devices.EXECUTE',
                         'payload': {'commands': [{'devices': [{'customData': {'baseUrl': '',
                                                                               'httpPort': 8123,
                                                                               'httpSSL': True,
                                                                               'proxyDeviceId': '40902f43-31b8-4ccc-ae62-026ab8f3dc4d',
                                                                               'webhookId': '2338d36ab1868711dd75786113c6dd01b5b806a42bda73719309742a20f2fa31'},
                                                                'id': 'cover.google_living'},
                                                               {'customData': {'baseUrl': '',
                                                                               'httpPort': 8123,
                                                                               'httpSSL': True,
                                                                               'proxyDeviceId': '40902f43-31b8-4ccc-ae62-026ab8f3dc4d',
                                                                               'webhookId': '2338d36ab1868711dd75786113c6dd01b5b806a42bda73719309742a20f2fa31'},
                                                                'id': 'cover.google_eetkamer'},
                                                               {'customData': {'baseUrl': '',
                                                                               'httpPort': 8123,
                                                                               'httpSSL': True,
                                                                               'proxyDeviceId': '40902f43-31b8-4ccc-ae62-026ab8f3dc4d',
                                                                               'webhookId': '2338d36ab1868711dd75786113c6dd01b5b806a42bda73719309742a20f2fa31'},
                                                                'id': 'cover.google_keukendeur'},
                                                               {'customData': {'baseUrl': '',
                                                                               'httpPort': 8123,
                                                                               'httpSSL': True,
                                                                               'proxyDeviceId': '40902f43-31b8-4ccc-ae62-026ab8f3dc4d',
                                                                               'webhookId': '2338d36ab1868711dd75786113c6dd01b5b806a42bda73719309742a20f2fa31'},
                                                                'id': 'cover.google_vastraam'}],
                                                   'execution': [{'command': 'action.devices.commands.OpenClose',
                                                                  'params': {'openPercent': 100}}]}]}}],
             'requestId': '7655617746126241237'}}

2020-05-21 12:25:01 DEBUG (MainThread) [hass_nabucasa.iot] Publishing message:
{'msgid': '2c5a540b-0f55-4705-99d1-55cffb04e59f',
 'payload': {'payload': {'commands': [{'ids': ['cover.google_living'],
                                       'states': {'online': True,
                                                  'openPercent': 0},
                                       'status': 'SUCCESS'},
                                      {'ids': ['cover.google_eetkamer'],
                                       'states': {'online': True,
                                                  'openPercent': 0},
                                       'status': 'SUCCESS'},
                                      {'ids': ['cover.google_keukendeur'],
                                       'states': {'online': True,
                                                  'openPercent': 0},
                                       'status': 'SUCCESS'},
                                      {'ids': ['cover.google_vastraam'],
                                       'states': {'online': True,
                                                  'openPercent': 0},
                                       'status': 'SUCCESS'}]},
             'requestId': '7655617746126241237'}}