I followed the tutorial
I followed all the steps and ended up in the following situation:
- In Google Home / Assistant I go to Add Device
- Link a Smart Home Device
- In the List, I select the project “[test] Home”
- The login screen appears
- Fill in the data and click next
- Then returns to device list
- Here I did 2 tests
- iOS device
- After Returning to the list, after about 3 seconds a lower balloon appears with the message: Something went wrong. try again
- Android device
- After Returning to the list, after about 3 seconds it returns to the Home Assistant login screen.
- iOS device
- Username and Password are correct (if you enter wrong informs me on the login screen)
- Username and Password is the same as I use in HA for settings.
ssl_certificate: /ssl/fullchain.pem
ssl_key: /ssl/privkey.pem
project_id: ha-t6d4g6
service_account: !include service_account.json
report_state: true
expose_by_default: false
name: Luz Entrada HA
room: Escritório
expose: true
The same problem happens for:
- service_account
- api_key
Home Assistant 0.103.4
Another test I just did was create a VM with a new HA.
The same problem occurred.