Google Assistant Integration does not update new devices

Google assistant works great, but now I tried to update some scripts and new switches to control with google assistant, however the devices are not “refreshed” I changed my configuration.yaml (and reboot)

   project_id: hassio-0000
   expose_by_default: true

i changed from

  project_id: hassio-0000
    - switch

I tried to “unlink” assistant from google home app and does not work i got a message “successfully unlinked” but the device it’s still linked :frowning: any help?
i don’t want do the whole setup again :frowning: so any way to refresh would be great Thanks a lot

make sure the app is still running simulation in google actions.

I updated the version from home assistant and I added service_account and still can’t see my updated devices :frowning: and I can’t unlink from google home