Google assistant integration doesnt work

Hi all,

ive watched like 10 manuals, and got the whole evening working on it but im stuck
So i have a https connection using duckdns. That was a tricky due to docker.

i created a project at google , put those credentials i should
enabled Homegraph api
made a service account, downloaded a key
entered test mode

Go to Home app, i see the [Test] in the list, i click on it, login to HA and…
i get Error occured. Try again later in the bottom of the phone screen.
have several questions

  1. when i go to
    i get a page 404: Not Found

is that okay? i doubt i should het a html page there,
in my configuration yaml i have

  project_id: homeasistant-project number
  service_account: !include service.json


any clues where i can see any logs of that?

Maybe someone can help me out for some $ for making the integration work.
We can try to make that using Teamviewer that will connect to my Mac with HA and Web browser with Google Projects.

I tried everything but just doesnt work

I am having the exact same issue, set up everything restarted home assistant but when i go to set it up in the app it returns a 404 not found.
when i go to the url directly it returns 405 method not allowed

anybody got any ideas?

I fixed it, after a few more hours it dawned on me that I was forwarding port 8123 to 8123 and maybe Google didn’t like that, so I changed it to forward 443 to 8123 and changed these things in the Google assistant setup (actually I dropped the port part fully, because port 443 is standard for https) and that did the trick.

did you fix that? i also have the 404 now when i want to test that page, seems the GA component doesnt load at all, so i cant link

this was working for me on 2021.12.x , but now updated to 2022.2.1 , and i have now the issue