Google Assistant Integration New Procedure

So I did this:

  1. Opened Alex app on my phone
  2. Went to add device > other > Matter device
  3. Chose option to scan QR code from Alexa app
  4. Went to HASS on laptop > Settings > addons > home-assistant-matter-hub and opened the WebUI
  5. Went to my Bridges > the Alex bridge I created for port 5540 and scanned the QR from the Alexa app > add Matter device.
  6. The Alexa app add Matter device process timed-out and did not find any device.
    (HASS is on same network as Alexa devices)

I found I had to restart the Matter-Hub addon, then right after that pair with Alexa (looked to me like the hub stops listening for new connections after a while…)

I restarted the add-on after creating my Alexa bridge in the add-on and before I tried to search for the matter device on the Alexa side

Got ipv6 setup? (Matter discovery works over ipv6)

I do not use IPv6 on my home assistant network. However, I have a dozen Matter devices already working fine directly with the home-assistant Matter integration over IPv4. For example light bulbs.

My goal is to control my other Alexa devices from home assistant. For example, being able to tell Alexa to control various devices in home assistant.

If you read the docs for the addon it says ipv6 must be setup locally for discovery to work

I read the docs and I interpreted IPv6 as recommended and not required. Moreover, it reads as required for Docker based install and I do not have HASS in a docker. My HASS is bare-metal on x86.

This might be what you are referring to and it under the Docker instructions and links out to Docker instructions as well:

In which case, you are not setting the system up in the recommended fashion, and you are having problems…

So, the first thing to do on the path to solving your problem would be to do what is recommended…

I think Ive had some success…not sure what Ive done and im too scared to try again because this is not my working instance. The only thing I did different was to scan the code after I stopped and restarted the hub. The only issue I see though is all my devices are showing as offline in google home…any ideas? Phil?

If i sync all devices some come online but when i switch one on it goes straight to offline again.

Quick question can you start fresh i.e. no devices in google home and then bridge it with matter hub? because Ive tried again and again its saying i need a hub for it to work? Reason why i did it this way is because my devices were offline

By no means an expert on this, however I thought you needed at least one Google Home comparable device (Hub, Speaker or WiFi) to act as a Matter Bridge inside your network…

Thats likely correct, however my system connected several times now and that shouldnt be possible based on that assumption?
In saying that i cannot connect again, im trying to find out why sometimes it connects and othertime it doesnt.
I will see if i can buy a google home hub see if it makes a difference.
If this works its a better solution

Thanks Phil…your were spot on, installed a cheap google hub and away it went. Thanks so much for helping me out.
Quick question once the QR code is commissioned thats it yeah? no more changes can be made like including or removing devices? without adding a new or factory reset the code?

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Happy to help.

You can add and remove new devices to a hub at any time. You just need to restart the addon after they have been added and they will then show up in a Google/Alexa, no need to go through the commissioning process again. (I have done this a bunch of times without issue)