Google assistant integration "something went wrong"


I’ve been trying to link Home assistant with the google assistant, and can’t get it to work.
I’m running Home Assistant OS on a virtual machine hosted on a TrueNas server.
I get access to hass using http://homeassistant.local:8123

I configured a google project, as it should, filled in the Fulfillment URL with https://homeassistant.local:8123/api/google_assistant.
I then set up the 0auth with everything needed
I then got Homegraph API running and made credentials and everything, got the json file…
I hit the test button to get the version going,

Finaly edited configuration.yalm as such :

##Google Assistant
  project_id: {my project id}
  service_account: !include {my json file}.json
  report_state: true
  expose_by_default: true

I end up on my phone, using google home app to add the integration, it is showing up :slight_smile: [test] my project

I click it, and “We’re sorry, but something went wrong. Please try again.”

I check the logs, and a clear field of nothing…
Why ?

Thanks for your help

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To use Google Assistant, your Home Assistant configuration has to be externally accessible with a hostname and SSL certificate. If you haven’t already configured that, you should do so before continuing. If you make DNS changes to accomplish this, please ensure you have allowed up to the full 48 hours for DNS changes to propagate, otherwise, Google may not be able to reach your server. Once you have confirmed you can reach your Home Assistant from outside your home network, you can set up the Google integration:

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Were you able to solve this?

EDIT: Needed to restart HA for the config.yaml changes to take effect.


Just got burned by this as well! Tried to get away with just a quick reload but needed a full restart…

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Wow wow wow I really wish the docs highlighted that you need a reboot when modifying configuration.yml. Spent hours on this :frowning: