Google Assistant integration very slow

I’m using Nabu Casa and the Google Assistant integration. Last months it takes long time between I say a command (like turn lamp on) and that the lamp was switched on. The google home device is flashing the led’s for 3-5 seconds before the command was executed. Not sure if there is a general google problem or if there is a delay between Nabu Casa and google?

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I’ve been having the exact same issue. I’ve checked my nabu account and am running the latest release on an HA blue device.

same here :-/

Same here. Prices go up, performance goes down… What used to cost me €4,60 is now going to €7,50 - Despite what the press statement claims that is a 63% increase

This is a hard statement, right? There should be a technical issue here or there and not caught yet. But there can not be a correlation between speed and cost.

So, nabu casa doesn’t have a dedicated support line?

Had the same issue and i fixed it:


i’m not running HUE

HUE was not the issue, relinking the account fixed each problem. So relinking HUE fixed the HUE delay and relinking Nabu fixed the Nabu delay. I think Google changed something and relinking the account fixed it.

Yes, it is a hard statement. But the steep price rise is a hard fact, and the slower performance is a fact for me too. I’m of course not saying that there is a negative cause-effect relation. But some of the extra money should be invested in the quality of the cloud services we are paying for, considering my HBO monthly fee costs half of what Nabu Casa charges. Nabu Casa themselves admitted to having performance problems at the start of the year that they were working on by the way, so it is not a far stretch to assume this may nog be fixed in all countries.

Seems to fix the problem. Thanks

All, for what it’s worth, the price of service is irrelevant, this is a Google issue, as unlinking and relinking HA from GH DOES fix the issue.

I am new to Home assistant.
Have been using Homeseer but got tired of it because of slow development and instability.

I just got this problem with very slow respones from Google Assistant.
This is not something i had with Homeseer so i am confused.
It was very fast.
So this can not be a Google issue.
Does somebody have a fix for this.
A relink of account do not fix the problem.
This is very annoying !

You’re not providing much information on how you’re set up. What configuration do you use, are you on Nabu Casa or did you connect yourself, what is slow and how slow? Do you have a lot of entities that you sync or not, do you aotomatically send status to Google or not?

I’m using a RPI4, connected through Nabu Casa and I do automatically push states. I have a little over 200 entities and scripts exposed to Google Home and no other cloud assistants such as Alexa linked. Google responds within seconds to commands. Analysing the command is the slowest, not surprising as I also have a lot of routines with custom sentenses defined in Google too.