Google Assistant + LimitlessLED - Can't set to white (get orange)

(Apologies if am posting in an incorrect category - ops, feel free to move. The topic involves a fault with the LimitlessLED platform, when commanded by Google assistant)

It’s overwhelmingly awesome that HA has google assistant device integration now.

My cheapy Milights work brilliantly, except for one command -

“Make the light white” I get an orangy hue, and have to go looking for the remote or interface with HASSIO.

Has anyone else encountered this?

How would one “wave” to the current developer of the LimitlessLED platform component?


:wave: … though I guess this is more of a Google Assistant issue.

What are the light attributes (in the States panel of the Developer tools) when Google Assistant has set the light to white?

I suspect its a google api issue too.

ok, so I’ll paste the relevant attributes for a couple of conditions.

When HA sets the ‘color’ to white, I have:
brightness: 255
color_temp: 154
hs_color: 0,0
rgb_color: 255,255,255
xy_color: 0.323,0.329

I use my voice to switch to, say, red, then voice again to switch to white:
brightness: 255
color_temp: 154
hs_color: 35.854,32.157
rgb_color: 255,222,172
xy_color: 0.403,0.378

(any attributes I did not paste were unchanged/irrelevant)

Hope this provides some insight.

I should add that it doesn’t matter what color I am coming from, the result is always the (second) set of attributes above.

So Google renders “white” as a desaturated orange. How that looks will depend on your bulb.

I don’t know how to fix that but maybe you can use this automation as inspiration for a workaround:

automation whitefix:
    - platform: event
      event_type: state_changed
    - condition: template
      value_template: '{{".")[0] == "light" }}'
    - condition: template
      value_template: '{{ == (255,222,172) }}'
    - service: light.turn_on
        entity_id: '{{ }}'
        kelvin: 3000

That will do nicely. I hope it helps someone else down the line.

Thank you!

I wonder what causes it. Is there a way to read/log the incoming command from the google API?