Google Assistant - Login attempt failed

Hi, I’ve had google assistant (non cloud setup) working for a year or two without issues.

Recently i tried to update the google_assistant block with service_account and report_state enabled.
After updating the configuration file and restarting HA I get the following notification from HA:

Login attempt or request with invalid authentication from ( (OpenAuth)

Even after commenting out service_account and report_state, it still shows up.
Where could the error come from?

My HA version is: 0.116.2 on HassOS 4.13
Guide I used:

  project_id: REDACTED
  service_account: !include GCP_SERVICE_ACCOUNT.JSON
  report_state: true
    - switch
    - light
    - media_player

I know this doesn’t help OP, but I am getting the same login failure when I try to setup the linkage. I get the Home Assistant login and fill in with correct details then the HA dashboard gets a notification and the Google Home app gives a connectivity error.

Having the same issue, working all this time till the error as OP.

Hopefully there is fix for this soon.

Are you using Nginx or Let’s Encrypt? I can’t fully remember how I resolved this, but I think it was related to my SSL not being setup correctly.

Let’s encrypt and can access remotely as well.

Yes, I was also able to access remotely but for some reason Google was not.

I am trying to rack my brain to remember what I did to fix it, but I must say I am not having much luck. It may have been, and this could well be wrong, in your Let’s Encrypt configuration ensure that the host port is also set to port 80 for the http challenge.

Got it working. Thanks it was my router firewall

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@StevenJonSmith @ian611 Can you tell me what you changed in configuration? I have the same problem but I can’t solve problem by myself. Thank you in advance.

What’s your setup?

From memory, you need to have external access to your HA instance and a valid SSL certificate. They you give Google the callback URL from the config setup instructions.

@StevenJonSmith I have a public ip address. SSL certificate from Let’s encrypt, also tried Zero SSL. I had everything set up for about 3 months and it worked without any problems. One day there was a problem with device sync and until then I am unable to make it work. When I try to link with Home Assistant in Google Home application, I got error “Couldn’t update the setting message. Check your connection”. In can see a message in the Home Assistant logs “Login attempt or request with invalid authentication from (” I tried to recreate Google Actions project but nothing has changed.

Have you tried entering the URL you are giving Google into a browser and checking it makes it through to your HA instance?

Delete the google action project and recreate. Do you have nginx installed?
What about in google actions did you hit test and register?

@StevenJonSmith I tried enter URL it returns 405: Method Not Allowed.

@ian611 tried delete and recreate but it don’t work. I don’t have nginx installed. I hit “test” on google actions. I don’t now what you mean with ‘register’?

Sorry didn’t mean to say register, what’s your Yaml vonfig and i have nginx so didn’t need 8123 at the end. What did you have Oauth link as?

Client ID issued by your Actions to Google:
Authorization URL:
Token URL:
My yaml:

  project_id: my-project-id
  service_account: !include hassio.json
  report_state: true
  expose_by_default: false
    - switch
    - light
    - script
    - sensor
    - media_player
    - scene
    - climate
    - input_boolean
    - alarm_control_panel
    - group
    - lock
    - cover  
      name: "Kitchen 1"
      room: "Kitchen"
      expose: true
      name: "Kitchen 2"
      room: "Kitchen"
      expose: true
      name: "Kitchen LED"
      room: "Kitchen"
      expose: true
      name: "Hall Main"
      room: "Hall"
      expose: true
      name: "Hall LED"
      room: "Hall"
      expose: true
      name: "Alarm"
      room: "Hall"
      expose: true
      name: "Leaving home"
      room: "Hall"
      expose: true
      name: "Bathroom Main"
      room: "Bathroom"
      expose: true
      name: "Bathroom Mirror"
      room: "Bathroom"
      expose: true
      name: "Bathroom"
      room: "Bathroom"
      expose: true    
      name: "Office"
      room: "Office"
      expose: true
      name: "Office"
      room: "Office"
      expose: true      
      name: "Bedroom 1"
      room: "Bedroom"
      expose: true
      name: "Bedroom 2"
      room: "Bedroom"
      expose: true
      name: "Bedroom Main"
      room: "Bedroom"
      expose: true
      name: "Bedroom"
      room: "Bedroom"
      expose: true          
      name: "Balcony bedroom"
      room: "Bedroom"      
      name: "Living room 1"
      room: "Living room"
      expose: true
      name: "Living room 2"
      room: "Living room"
      expose: true
      name: "LED Up"
      room: "Living room"
      expose: true
      name: "LED Down"
      room: "Living room"
      expose: true
      name: "Table"
      room: "Living room"
      expose: true
      name: "Balcony living room"
      room: "Living room"
      name: "Living room"
      room: "Living room"
      expose: true
      name: "Android TV"
      room: "Living room"
      expose: true      
      name: "Netflix time"
      room: "Living room"
      expose: true

To get this discussion back to life, I have exactly the same error. It seems to not be only limited to Google Assistant, but to basically any remote connection. For example, the iOS app also shows the same behavior (I’m logged out and forced to login again and the logs show the same line as Google Assistant would but with different host/ip).

Bump. Any solutions here. Been trying to make this work for a bit now with no luck. Always

In the meantime I was able to fix my problem.
For me, it was the fact that the user I was trying to login with, had “Can only log in from the local network” enabled. Effectively making it impossible for use in applications like this.

You can find and turn this feature off under Configuration → People → Your user → “Can only log in from the local network”

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Thanks. Figured it out eventually.

but how? please elaborate. i had same problem