Google Assistant + Nabu Casa # 2

I have some switch that manages a light. I call it switch.bedroom_light and google understands it is a switch and a light.
Maybe play with the naming…

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ah I didn’t see that. Should be able to say turn on Vardagsrum and it should work too…

I managed to get it to work almost the way I like by naming all the lights with “light” a “name” and “location” of the lamp “Light Window Kitchen”. This works turning on and off single lights.
With the help of shortcuts in Google Home app I can trigger whole rooms by saying “turn on light kitchen” and name the shortcut to whatever I like.
This actually works! :slight_smile:

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You don’t need the room in the name if it’s assigned to the room.

Glad you worked it out.

I configured some light and switch in nabucasa cloud., and I have done to The Entities a name and a room. When I sincronize with Google home name of entities is OK but not for room.
If I put room in English language Google home create a new room in English and associate the light in this new room because I have all in Italian why?