Google Assistant no more available

Hi all,

after the update of HA and GA app on my android phone I’m no more able to link them using home control.

If I click on test app I can see the welcome page where user and password are required. But then when the syncro starts nothing happens.

Can someone please support me?
thank you in advance

I had the same issue yesterday, with the new Google app… I unlinked, then went to the Google actions site, created a new draft version with simulator, then I was able to link again … I also had to delete the authentication token for Google in my ha user profile, otherwise I was stuck after entering user and password when I was linking the test app

i tried but no changes.

Can you please be more specific?

Maybe I’m missing some step

I have this problem too

Which version of HA? The behaviour changed in 0.83 and reverted back in 0.84

with 0.83 work well
after update to 0.84 doesn’t work

if I restore 0.83 work again

so if you added:

expose_by_default: false

in version 0.83 then you need to remove that in 0.84. This is the same as the pre-v0.83 config for google assistant. They reverted the change they made in 0.83 for 0.84

How do you guys now that? I don’t see those changes on release notes pages…

a very stranger thing is that now I can’t see any account connected and I don’t see any device on my Google Home app… but… Google Assistant accept voice commands to turn on/off lights or other… buuuut… with an Actions Project that I have deleted o.O

google… what’s your problem?!

That’s an issue with Google, called: ghost devices

but Home still not working :smiley:

ok… assistant work… home not!
I don’t think that is a Google bug because as I say before with 0.83 all work fine
after 0.84 update home stop work, rollback to 0.83 home work again
so… this is a 0.84 problem


I have also problems after upgrade to Home Assistant 0.84.2.
I don’t see my components any more in google home app, the only thing that I could see are my lights.
There was no problem with an early version of Home Assistant.

@DavidFW1960 where do I need to set this option: expose_by_default: false

I have also an error message when I do: google_assistant.request_sync

request_sync request failed: 404 b’{\n “error”: {\n “code”: 404,\n “message”: “Requested entity was not found.”,\n “status”: “NOT_FOUND”\n }\n}\n’

I checked my ID plus key and these ones are correct.

Hopefully somebody could help us with this issue google home and home assistant.


I remove all this from configuration.yaml

    - SWITCH
    - LIGHT
      expose: false
      expose: false
      expose: false

and work!
only left

  project_id: my-id
  api_key: my-key

@itmax86 you are the men, SUPER that works also for me :slightly_smiling_face:

ok the problem is only


this work


the problem now is that HA expose the room group… and I don’t need that :smiley:

ok… the solution…
I add
  expose: false

for every room I have and that disappear from G Home

thank you! It worked!

I got all confused about something working, then not working, then applying a fix, remove it, put it back, change, standing back flip and… now i am totally lost.

Which is the correct configuration to expose to Google Assistant/Home, only SOME entity_id in 0.84 (and hopefully also for future versions)


use this

  project_id: your_id
  api_key: your_key
  entity_config:                  #configure single entity
      expose: false

I don’t understand, why you have to put group.all_automations there if you put expose false. I would assume that you put ONLY all the entity_id that you want to be EXPOSED not the other way or am I missing the logic?