Does Google Assistant currently have this capability or can it be added? I have a script that turns off multiple devices and I’d like to be able to say “Turn off devices” to trigger it.
Did you figure this out? I’m just migrating from emulated hue to Google Assistant and miss the off maps to on option from emulated hue
You can expose scripts to Google Assistant. It’s activated by saying “start <scriptname” or "turn on "
Thanks, but that’s not really what I’m looking for. My situation is the same as what kylerw described. I have a script to turn off some devices. Saying “turn off device A” is a much more natural way to trigger that than anything beginning with “start” or “turn on”. Emulated hue has “off_maps_to_on_domains” to address this. I’m hoping there’s something similar for Google Assistant now that I can’t use emulated hue with Google Home
That is also working. If the type of device can be exposed to Google Assistant (light, switch etc…), then you can control them by saying "turn on/off <device’s nickname> in " (room name only needed if multiple devices share the same nickname)
Personally, I use the component a lot to issue voice commands like:
Turn on / off DVD
Turn on / off Radio
(these are broadlink IR controlled devices for example)
If I am not mistaken, it also accepts like “Turn everything off”, but I’m sure it accepts “Turn all lights off” as a valid command to turn all my lights off.
Sorry if I’m not being clear about the functionality I’m missing. I agree turn on/off commands work for lights, switches, etc. I’m looking specially to trigger a script by saying something like “turn off”.
My specific problem is that I have a TV that I want to turn off. The TV isn’t able to be added as a component directly to Home Assistant. Instead I have a script that triggers an IR blaster to shutdown the various physical devices connected to the TV. With emulated_hue and off_maps_to_on_domains set to script, I could trigger my “living room TV” script that shuts everything off by saying “turn off the living room TV”. Now, with Google Assistant, I have to use “[turn on/start] the living room TV”, which is backwards because it actually shuts it off. Does anyone have a workaround to make that more intuitive?
I can think of some hacky stuff like a RESTful switch to call home assistant APIs to trigger my script, but it feels like there should be an easier way.
OK I understand your issue better now.
If it can be of any help, I’m using a Broadlink RM Mini, which has a config like this :
- platform: broadlink
timeout: 15
type: rm_mini
friendly_name: "TV"
command_on: 'TV-SPECIFIC-TOKEN-ON'
command_off: 'TV-SPECIFC-TOKEN-OFF'
friendly_name: "DVD"
command_off: 'DVD-SPECIFIC-TOKEN-ON'
With this switch configuration exposed to Google Assistant I’m able to say "Turn on DVD " or “Turn off DVD”
I ended up using a template light to expose the turn on and turn off scripts in a way that let Google Assistant recognize “turn off …” as a trigger for the script