Google assistant paid vs free, exclude/expose difference

Hi, I want to switch over to the paid version… But excluding / including items is a hell, I think I miss something…
In local version, it was easy, just expose a domain, then expose by default = false…
Then just expose the entitys you want to be visible in Google…

In paid version, the exposing config doesn’t exist, so you need to expose a domain, and then exclude the entitys you don’t wanna see …

So for example , if you have like 50 switches, and only want to see like 5 in Google, you have to exclude 45 entitys in the config file… A lot of work…

And you also need to remember, if you create a new entity in Ha, you Everytime need to exclude it in the cloud config…

What am I missing?

You can just use include_entities and only these are included. Everything else will be excluded.

but in my case the whole domain is included, so for example , i was testing with lighs, i need to exclude every single light in here , that i dont wanna see…

      - script
      - automation
      - sensor
      - switch
#      - light
      - dimmer
      - group
      - media_player
      - input_boolean
      - vacuum
      - cover      
      - light.dressing
      - light.tuinhuis
      - light.wcboven
      - light.inkomhal
      - light.terras
      - light.avondterras
      - light.spotsterras
      - light.spotstuinhuis
      - light.plugs

      name: Sfeer
      room: Verlichting
        - Sfeer
        - ambiance
        - mood
        - dimmers
# and so on ....

Did you try using the include_entities ?

It should auto exclude everything else.

Just include 1 entity, and let google assistant rescan your devices (not sure what it is named)

Ok, gonna try that, thnx, should be easier then, let’s hope

nope, didnt help, i have now included some entities, but they are all exposed

      - light.sfeer
      - light.led_keuken
      - light.led_bureau
      - light.keukeneiland
      - script
      - automation
      - sensor
      - switch
#      - light
      - dimmer
      - group
      - media_player
      - input_boolean
      - vacuum
      - cover  


I have the following config for the cloud component:

        - cover.rolluik

Maybe you can try this also, without the exclude

yes, tried that also without exclude

in your case, if i do that, everything is for me exposed

Does syncing your google home work good? Do you notice any difference in the devices being exposed?

You are using the cloud component, right?

Yes, sync works good, yes, using paid cloud…
I have to exclude also all domains, otherwise I see all entity in my Google home app, even sensors

Strange problem, maybe try starting over all again? Deleting all config, and making sure all devices are gone in Google Home.

Then just add the include_entities for 1 entity, and try getting that one included.

Maybe because you used exclude_entitities one time, it is remembering this setting somewhere?

Also, you removed your local version config of Google Assistant?

yes, local version was unlinked…
but now, it working, i just excluded every item, it was a lof of work , but it works

Glad to hear you have it working.

Just for your knowledge, mine works without all the excludes. So somewhere, something goes wrong. But I have no idea what it could be.

maybe try another approach next time :slight_smile: