Google Assistant PIN for secure devices, "My apologies, I don’t understand.”

Hello all,

I’m on .106 and suddenly I can no longer open my garage door or unlock my front door. Every time I ask Google, after it requests my pin, Google tells me it looks like my pin is in the wrong format. It’s the same format it has been in since I set it up and it was working last month.

secure_devices_pin: “7777”
expose_by_default: true

Can anyone explain what’s happened with Google assistant and what I might look for to resolve this issue.

Thank you,


hey. Let’s say your code is 4298. Instead of saying ‘four, two, nine, eight’, say ‘fourty-two ninety-eight’. This worked for me.


I cannot believe that was the answer, I’ve been saying “seven seven seven seven” for nearly a year since I setup GA with HA. Immediately after I tried your suggestion it worked. Between the change rate of HA and the unpredictably of GA, it’s getting a little tough to be become accustomed to anything working consistently.

Thanks so much for the help!

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So the solution of saying the numbers differently lasted a day… now I’m having the issue in this thread where Google says “My apologies, I don’t understand.”

Anyone else running into this?

Is anyone else having problems with Google opening or unlocking secure devices? Would you be willing to share you configuration details?

I have this issue and can’t make it work with my current pin, I had a leading zero, so going to try another pin and see, but it also happened in 106

When I got rid of the leading zero and didn’t say all the numbers, it worked, so if I had 1212 saying “twelve” “twelve” works, not one, two, one, two

if you had a zero in there anywhere, no go

Changing the code to 1212 didn’t work, still says “Sorry I don’t know how to help with that”.

How is it I’m the only one with this issue? I’ve got a local friend using two HA instances, but he has no secure devices. I have 4 Google nest devices in the house they’ve been working flawlessly for about a year and now all of a sudden this secure pin thing just pops up.

Would anybody be willing to share their configuration so I could try to compare?

When Google asks for your number, what is the exact phrase it says?

There is an open issue on Github describing exactly what is happening.

It’s also being talked about over here on Google. It’s starting to seem like it’s more of a Google issue.

FYI, this issue has randomly started working again. Looks like Google’s beta team fixed the glitch until their production team reverts the fix again. :grinning:

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