I’m on .106 and suddenly I can no longer open my garage door or unlock my front door. Every time I ask Google, after it requests my pin, Google tells me it looks like my pin is in the wrong format. It’s the same format it has been in since I set it up and it was working last month.
I cannot believe that was the answer, I’ve been saying “seven seven seven seven” for nearly a year since I setup GA with HA. Immediately after I tried your suggestion it worked. Between the change rate of HA and the unpredictably of GA, it’s getting a little tough to be become accustomed to anything working consistently.
So the solution of saying the numbers differently lasted a day… now I’m having the issue in this thread where Google says “My apologies, I don’t understand.”
How is it I’m the only one with this issue? I’ve got a local friend using two HA instances, but he has no secure devices. I have 4 Google nest devices in the house they’ve been working flawlessly for about a year and now all of a sudden this secure pin thing just pops up.
Would anybody be willing to share their configuration so I could try to compare?