Google Assistant says “Sorry, I couldn't reach the home assistant.”

When I say “Ok Google, Open the Garage” the Garage opens, but it also says

Sorry, I couldn’t reach the home assistant.

Any idea on how to fix this?

Are you implying I didn’t use the search function? I did, and found nothing relevant.

There’s a number of threads about this issue, some of which I had commented on because I had the same issue.

Last I checked it was still unsolved. For me the issue only occurs randomly.

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It’s only happening on my “garage door” device, which is dummy control which feeds the real device.

ETA: When I add the real device with pin, it’s still happening. Weird.

This may not be the OP’s issue, but if anyone else is googling the problem: I strongly recommend enabling local fulfillment for Google Assistant. This will substantially lower the fulfillment failure rates especially if you are using DuckDNS for your remote HA access. As a bonus, the fulfillment latency will also decrease. The default is cloud fulfillment accessing HA via your dynamic DNS solution.

Any idea how to do this when using Google Assistant via HA Nabu Casa Cloud subscription? I can’t find it in the settings anywhere.

My understanding is that Nabu Casa has this enabled by default on he back end, but there are many reasons it may not be working locally. (I personally don’t use the Nabu solution.) Do you have your HA server, Google Home devices, and IOT devices on different VLANs? If so you may need to enable some version of mDNS repeating. I had to use Avahi on OpenWRT to connect my VLANs. It’s unclear to me if you only need mDNS to connect your google devices and your HA server. mDNS broadcasting is required to allow local fulfillment. Network isolation may block that. Did you use the debugging tools?

My HA server and the Google Homes are on the same VLAN, then the other IoT devices are split between two others, one with internet and one without. With the HA server and Google Homes on the same one I shouldn’t have issues with local fulfillment I would have thought.

Seems like a reasonable thought. Perhaps you are already using local fulfillment?

For others not using Nabu Casa, you can check with this link if you are using local fulfillment

I would wonder if this phenomenon is because Google Assistant is doing both local and cloud fulfillment… The cloud fails, but the local succeeds, but with protracted latency