Google Assistant sync devices is not working

Hi all

Previously I am able to sync my devices in Google Assistant and from Home Assistant. Now I am facing the issue of not being able to sync devices in Google Assistant. I followed the steps listed in google assistant manual. Specifically:

“Syncing may also fail after a period of time, likely around 30 days, due to the fact that your Actions on Google app is technically in testing mode …”

Regenerate the draft version Test App and try asking Google to sync your devices again.
Google Action console responded with message "We’re sorry, but something went wrong. Please try again."

If regenerating the draft does not work, go back to the Action section and just hit the enter key for the URL to recreate the Preview."
Google first responded with message “Successfully saved smart home action”. Then followed another message “Failed to create preview”.

Previously, one of the above 2 steps will solve the syncing failure.

Although syncing failed, Google Assistant is still able to call existing scripts on Home Assistant. However, Google Assistant is not able to detect new scripts that I created because of the failure to sync.

Has anybody faced this issue ?

Does anybody know a fix to this issue?

Thanks in advance.


When there is an error in your yaml for exposed entities, then you also have that issue… Try synching with less entities, to rule out the corrupt one

Have the same issue since today. Maybe it Google’s problem, because if I try to create new project and add any Fulfillment URL in Actions it still fails…

I agree with you that maybe it’s Google issue. I also did the same thing like you and create a new project. It too, failed to save the Fulfilment URL in the Actions.

I am seeing this as well.

back to normal. It can create Preview again.

I have found the request sync service to be failing constantly for me the last few weeks, but if I request my Google assistant to ‘sync my devices’ it will see any new devices or scripts I’ve added to my config.

Yes. Actions on Google successfully created Preview for simulator/test today. Google Assistant is now able to sync devices again. Happy days!

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Same issue here sadly. It says it can’t start, but then after a while it looks like it start. But sync doesn’t work. I stupidly unlinked my devices, now i can’t find my testing app to relink :frowning:

I just noticed that I’m having this problem too. Went to sync my holiday lights that I took offline now that Halloween is over and keep getting the message “Sorry something went wrong while syncing Home Assistant”…yet the devices that are sync can be controlled by Google no problem.

Not sure where to dig into this further? Did Google once again in their clueless wisdom change something recently?

you have to redeploy the app every 30ish days


Try the following. I got them from HA docs

  1. Log into Google Actions page

  2. Regenerate the draft version Test App and try asking Google to sync your devices again.

  3. If regenerating the draft does not work, go back to the Action section and just hit the enter key for the URL to recreate the Preview."

Hope it helps

Every 30 days? Odd I’ve been using it for 3 months without a problem although I hadn’t tried syncing until recently.

In any case it started working again after going to Google Actions and trying various things suggested by eone, although what I did that fixed it, I’m not sure.

It stays working , but sync service fails after 30 days… For sync only you need to enable simulator again

device control is not affected but if you want to be able to sync, you have to redeploy the app every 30ish days…

Good to know, I wasn’t aware of that and will be putting up temp devices for Xmas so guess I will need to redeployed in December.


I have a similar issue as the original one in the first post. I can sync my devices using ga app but the nothing changed: no new device added even if they are put correctly in my yaml config.

Anyone with same issue?

Finally I was able to get both the calls working without errors:

I’m talking of and

  1. even if you have the service_account configured you have to enable the homegraph API
  2. enable the debug on HA to get your ‘agentUserId’:
  default: info

    homeassistant.components.google_assistant.http: debug

on the home-assistant.log

2019-12-21 23:43:57 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.google_assistant.http] Response on with data {'requestId': '005e55ad1a5f4e2dbe1ff1639ee7083f', 'agentUserId': '<-- your user agent -->', 'payload': {'devices': {'states': {'script.2376402038409': {'online': True}}}}} was {
  "requestId": "005e55ad1a5f4e2dbe1ff1639ee7083f"

then go on services and use the agentUserId on google_assistant.request_sync with YAML

agent_user_id: <-- your user agent -->

and now it works for me I have no more 404 or 403 error, I made a dummy script and by running the request_sync I was able to find it on Google home, then on the log you will find this

2019-12-22 00:02:36 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.google_assistant.http] Response on with data {'agentUserId': '<-- your user agent -->'} was {}

So is the request sync triggering with the wrong agent? Are you perhaps doing it from a different user in ha than the user you initially logged in as?

yes, I have an ad-hoc user made just for google integration