I am dipped my toe in the home automation market and bought myself a smart light switch, however, I currently use a Google Home Mini as my preferred assistant. However, I need advice or help with the following.
• If flashed with Tasmota is will google assistant work with it independently or through Tasmota app
• If not how would I get Google assistant to work with the flashed device through a Home assistant? I know you can do it through the HA cloud but want to do it locally either via Node-Red or another route. Any suggestions, or guides, or will I need to shell out on an Amazon Alexa.
First of all, are you running base Home Assistant or HASS.IO? HASS.IO makes installing these Add-Ons very easy, it’s what I’m running.
Maybe through Wemo or Hue Emulation, but I’ve heard it doesn’t work that well.
And as far as I know there is no Tasmota App.
This (or another Mosquito broker) is how I and most others get Tasmota devices talk to Home Assistant.
I wouldn’t consider my Google Home integration automation by any means. You can yell at it to turn something on but that’s not automation.
As you stated Node-Red could accomplish this for you, I use it as my automation engine.
I will install Hass IO, when i have downloaded it, I want to use google assistant to control the light for now i will then work on other automation once i have set that up.
First you need Home Assistant working and your switch connected to it via mqtt or your preferred method. Then just follow this to get the google assistant component: