Google assistant temp sensor + vacuum error

When reading: Google Assistant - Home Assistant
It shows that temperature sensors should be visible in google home app (and they’re) only thing is they’re not showing temperature. Also the vacuum domain isn’t working. Is there anything I have to do to make google understand HA? Lights are working fine.

When asking for example:
Start vacuum it returns:

“Sorry, there was an error for the rockrobo”

anyone who knows what up

bump… anyone?

no one that has any idea?

Still a bump… still an issue on 0.95

Upgrade to 95.4, some issues on earlier release…
Try to unlink and link again the services, then you know you know you have a good sync…
Or with the command : sync my devices…

Vacuum should work, I am also using the rockrobo…

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Also i the think, the icon will not show you the temperature, you need to ask for it

Thanks. so it only works in the beta currently? All my devices are synced successfully and even did a unlink and link with no success. How do I operate the vacuum ? Thanks about the temperature sensors. Indeed you should ask Google what it is. It doesn’t display it …

No, 95.4 is official, not rolled out to hassio yet, probably in few hours…

I just say like : start vacuum, or vacuum my house…

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Got 95.4 now too and all is working fine with voice commands :slight_smile:

Good to hear :wink: