Google Assistant VS Switch VS keyword "on"

i am using Google Assisant for like 7-8 months without any issues, but since about a month or something, i have issues with switches, i have about 60 of them, now about 50 are working, 10 are not
nothing is changed in my code since that time…

so my issue is then i have exposed switches, so i can say like : Hey Google, Music …
then GA turns my Music switch one, in my case its calling an Harmony activity , this is desired…

Now, it i say Hey Google, Music , it respons, ok, playing music from spotify on chromecast …,
so its not calling my Home Assistant function, but native chromecast/spotiy links

also for other examples, sometimes it respons, “i dont know how to help you with that”

so my config see below

1a) Hey Google, Music => not working anymore, its calling native spotify/chromecast, was working before
1b) Hey Google, Radio => working, its calling the HA action , in my case its an alias
1c) Hey Google, Music ON => working, its calling the HA action

2a) Hey Google, Screen 1 up => Working
2b) Hey Google, Screen 1 up ON => Working

3a) Hey Google, Stop Screens => Not working anymore, worked before
3b) Hey Google, Stop screens ON => Working

so this is strange, why is 2a working, and 3a not? its exactly the same

also NOTE, i never had to tell the word ON to actually turn the switch ON, now its seems to be ?
also tried the HA cloud edition, same issue, unlink / link, same issue … tried new project , same issue

i am running out of ideas?
  name: Music
  expose: true
    - Radio
    - Muziek
    - Music

  name: Screen 1 up
  expose: true
    - Screen 1 up
    - Screen 1 omhoog

  name: Stop Screens
  expose: true
    - Stop Screens

here is an example for the switch ‘radio’

i am calling the alias “muziek” , its a NL translation
ON = AAN (in dutch)
Hey Google, Muziek => using spotify/chromecast, not what i want
Hey Google, Muziek AAN => is working

and this is from 2 days ago

here , Hey google, Muziek => working perfectly fine

This is google causing this and it’s bloody annoying how they appropriate keywords you have used for routines and things like that. It happens to me occasionally as well.

It’s also worth checking in the Google Assistant Log to see if it misheard what you said as well.

In short it’s Google, not Home Assistant.

activity log is fine

2 days ago i could say just = “Muziek”
if i now say “Muziek” , it starts whateve other spotify service, not anything related to HA at all
you can see that in my above screenshots
if i say , “Muziek AAN” => engl translation = “Music ON” , then it works?
so whats wrong with saying the word with the word on/aan ??
i dont understand?

It’s Google…

i also have it now with the word “kichen”, thats not a google keyword at all
i used to say , hey google, kitchen
then it turned on my kitchen light

if i now say hey google, kitchen, then it tells me 10 address with kitchen stores
now i need to say, hey google, kitchen ON

verry annoying

can you solve this with routines? is that still working for example a word like “kitchen” ?
i cant test routines, its not yeat available in our country/language

can you test by making a rountine called “kitchen” ? can you do the test ?

hey, see my previous reply , can you do a test for me and make a routine called “kitchen” or “volume up”

can you do a test and say then
hey google, kitchen
hey google, volume up

to see if those actions, are actually calling HA stuff?