Google Calendar Delete Event

Does anyone here know how to delete an event from google calendar? I’d like to do this with node-red as an addon. I don’t see a service for doing this. Can it be added?


I’ve been working on a custom component modeled from the google component to support deleting google calendar events. All I need is the calendar_id and event_id. So I am also trying to add another service called list_event. My issue is I’m getting errors saying missing end time which does not make sense. My guess is I’m calling the wrong service and I’m not sure how to change that. Any help is appreciated

@tkdrob Did you succeed in deleting calendar events?

I got the same need…

2 year later, still need it…

The code to list and delete events are already implemented. It “just” needs to be exposed as services: core/homeassistant/components/google/ at 5b73adba20a5d2a9cf64aed3e6ea528c0a5aa3d3 · home-assistant/core · GitHub