Google Calendar entities unavailable

Since some time in the last 36 hours, after about a year of working, my Home Assistant shows a few messages that it’s unable to get my Google calendars; entity not available, start up taking over 500s, that sort of thing.

My Google Cloud config panel shows the number of API calls dropped to zero at that point, but no ends of trying to reconfigure, delete and recreate secrets and tokens has had any effect. I’ve tried shifting the API from test to production, and back again, too, but neither of these states worked.

Could it be something to do with the latest updates (seems to coincide), or is anyone else feeling this pain too?

I think, you are not alone, see:

Theirs is marked ‘solved’ - mine isn’t. I tried the timezones (to elicit a new token creation) mentioned in the posts, and I’ve deleted and recreated tokens and new secrets and Google projects, but still no calendars (or calendar sensors).

For anyone else having this problem, now or in the future, the source of my headaches was IPv6 on my router. I had it switched off (and have done for at least a year or so); switching it on, made the Google Calendar integration work again (and the Updater entity reappear too). Frustrating but it now works.

So, Google Calendar needs IPv6. Simples.

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