Google Calendars have gone Missing

After updating to 2021.6.5 my google calendars are no longer showing on the Calendar Page and my calendars sensors are not being created. I have tried everything I can think of including recreating the google credentials, deleting the .google.token file and taking Google Out & then back In but I’m missing something.

HA does give me the notification message to activate where I get the success message.

The only message I have found in the log is: Timed out adding entities for domain calendar with platform google after 500s

Any thoughts?

No any idea. I just can say, that here we have no issues with it. (HA 2021.6.5 supervised on Debian)
So I may say, that Google services are working fine.

Perhaps you do not have the latest version of the integration? Just a thought.

Thanks for your thoughts, I found an old pi and reinstalled HA only to find same problem. I’m thinking It must be a setting in Google that somehow got changesd.

I have the same problem. Google calendar not working anymore, and the only issue found in the log is

2021-06-20 15:39:02 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.helpers.template] Template variable error: 'None' has no attribute 'attributes' when rendering '{% if as_timestamp(states.calendar.feestdagen_in_belgie.attributes.start_time) - as_timestamp(now()) < 172800  %}on{% else %}off{% endif %}'
2021-06-20 15:39:05 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.helpers.event] Error while processing template: Template("{% if as_timestamp(states.calendar.feestdagen_in_belgie.attributes.start_time) - as_timestamp(now()) < 172800  %}on{% else %}off{% endif %}")

Removed the integration, recreated a new user + token in the google console, nothing works. The funny thing is, on my test HA installation it still works.

On the Calendar SideBar does it show a blank calendar? mine does
Did you lose your calendar sensors? I did
I am running HA Core, how about you?

I’m running supervised. My sensors are gone.

This is on my production HA :


This is my test HA :


same configuration, same HA version.

I glad I’m not totally crazy! Looks like same problem.

I have found this, will try this evening

I tried that last week with no luck. I wrote a small python script and having trouble with that also…believe it’s timing out when it goes to google. Not making any progress but still trying things.

indeed. I got a new .google.token, but my calendar stays empty and my sensors don’t work.

I still wonder, how it is possible, that my Goggle calendar works already almost a year, thru all update’s of HA.

If Google had changed something on their side, I should be affected too, right?

ghost in the machine
Up until this point my calendar has worked ever since I started HA, has it really been 4 years?
There are so many variables between my system and yours, at this point who knows what it is.

2 supervised installations, on one HA the calendar works, on the other not. I have no idea what to try next.
Already shutdown my pi, attached the HDD to a linux laptop and run fschk, no errors. Redid everything in the google console to recreate a new user-id and password, got a new token, still no calendars visible.
I don’t know what to do next.

I think we are on the same page. Just to add to your list, I added a new calendar to google, waited for HA to refresh calendar entries and the new calendar shows up in my google calendars yaml file not on the calendar screen but definetly on the yaml file. So part of the integration is working.

You all also have this file present? That’s, what i found now, i do not hear anyone talking about…


I found this from May 2020, Internal Server Errors on new Calendar page · Issue #35921 · home-assistant/core · GitHub

Makes me wonder if it has resurfaced?

@danielsmith89 was this fixed?

After reading Daniel’s issue, I opened the browser console and see these messages:
Could not load content for webpack://home-assistant-frontend/app.bcb38ac1.js (HTTP error: status code 404, net::ERR_UNKNOWN_URL_SCHEME)

The main ‘lit-element’ module entrypoint is deprecated. Please update your imports to use the ‘lit’ package: ‘lit’ and ‘lit/decorators.ts’ or import from ‘lit-element/lit-element.ts’.

Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 400 (Bad Request)

Not sure what to do with this information but could this be our problem?

Well this goes under WTH. Yesterday, again I changed the time zone configuration to Etc/GMT and as things go I got distracted. Later in the day, I noticed automations running at the wrong time, off by 6 hours. Ok went into the configuration, changed back to my time zone and this morning I have calendars.

I’m afraid to restart again…for now solved.

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At least you know now, where to seek :slight_smile: