Google Calendar Event 0.34.5 - Auto Refresh

Hy everbody,

I’m new to Home Assistant and just started to integrate the Google Calendar Event Component.

The sensor is working great but in case I delete an event which matches the sensor it is not updated automatically. I have to restart home assistant so that the component reacts to the changes.

My Question: Does the Google Calendar Component automatically detects changes in my calendar in “real time” ?

Many thanks for your help !:slight_smile:

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It currently checks at 15 minute intervals.

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Hy @ih8gates,

many thx for the reference !

I could just make a custom component based on this one, which checks this more often correct ?

I suppose. That’s a fairly new component, so updates may be in the works. I’d recommend that a better tack would be to update the code to make the interval overrideable via configuration YAML. Then create a PR and submit it to the project.


Yes you are totally right. If I find time I’ll do so :wink:

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I think there’s a problem with the refresh. Once one appointment is over it doesn’t seem to find the next one. I even restarted home Assistant and it returned no appointment when I put 2 new ones to test.

The only way it seems to work again is if I delete all appointments for the day, then add a new one and then restart HA. Anyone else experience this?

Did anyone find a solution or was anyone able to adjust this 15 mins? I need it to be every 1 minute.