I’ve been using the Google Calendar component to automate some switches in my house (to turn humidifiers on for the night in two rooms) and it’s all working fine. Not being able to leave anything alone, I have tried to redo the automations in AppDaemon instead of in yaml. As a result, I’ve found some strange behaviors which I’m not sure are in the GCal component, or on the AppDaemon side.
First, here’s my relevant setup:
the configuration.yaml bit is trivial:
client_id: !secret google_client_id
client_secret: !secret google_client_secret
In google_calendars.yaml, the relevant bit is:
- cal_id: [email protected]
- device_id: all_entries
ignore_availability: true
name: All Calendar Schedule Entries
track: true
(for the yaml based automations, I set up separate device_id entries to search for specific titles, but for the AppDaemon version I’m just looking at the all_entries feed and selecting in the code)
Now, I have two gcal events set up: HumidifierM runs 10:30pm to 8:00am nightly, and HumidifierK runs from 8:30pm to 6am nightly. Both are set on daily repeat, both appear to have identical setups except the title and times. That particular google calendar has no other events at all, it’s only for automation.
Currently, the AppDaemon just looks at all state change events fired by calendar.all_entries and logs them for me, including some of the info in the event object. I’m looking at the logs, and finding two anomalous behaviors.
First, while I expect any given state change event to be either from “on” to “off” or “off” to “on”, I am getting quite a few events each day that are “off” to “off” (I’ve not yet seen an “on” to “on” event). While these are easy to ignore programmatically, the fact that they happen at all is kind of odd to me. I suspect this is an issue on the gcal component side, but not sure.
Second, while the events for HumidifierK happen correctly, events for HumidifierM don’t. For example, for HumidifierK, which is on the 8:30pm to 6am cycle, I see every night at 20:30 that it correctly sees and “off” to “on” transition, and correctly sees that the end time in the event is 6am. But no event is fired at all at 22:30 , when HumidifierM should start, and instead I get an event firing at 06:08 (6:08 am) which says that it’s an “off” to “on” transition for HumidifierM, and has the correct end time of 08:00. But there’s nothing on the google calendar at 6:08. This feels like an AppDaemon side issue, since the same calendar successfully drives yaml integrations.
I have no idea if the two issues are related.