Google Calendar Event component issue with state change on overlapping events

(I asked this before, but I think it was just before the forums went down, so not sure if anyone saw it. Moderators, if possible, please delete previous post.)

I’m trying to use the GCal Event Component, and having an issue related to overlapping events. For example, suppose I have an GCal configured to search for the word “Test”. I then have two entries in GCal - “Test 1” running from 12:00 to 1:00, and “Test 2” running from 12:30 to 1:00.

If I’m looking for a status change from “Off” to “On”, this doesn’t happen at 12:30, when the second event fires. So I have to monitor for change not only in state, but in the “message” field, and somehow keep track of what messages I had already seen. This is rather a pain - I’m doing this in AppDaemon, where it’s at least doable, but I hate to think what would be needed in Yaml.

So, is there a better way to tell when a new GCal event has started, even if another one is in progress?

(Note: Just setting up separate calendars that search for different key words isn’t an option, since in my application the event text is not pre-determined - the automation is all about taking each event from GCal, and doing something with the event text, whatever that text is.)