Google Calendar Event NOT WORKING


i follow this guide step by step

but somethig go wrong
everytime hi restare there is a message that invite me to inserte a code
in this google page

In order to authorize Home-Assistant to view your calendars you must visit: and enter code:XXXXXXXXX

i dont have any sensor available

only an Entity called google calendar notification that show this error

Google Calendar Setup
In order to authorize Home-Assistant to view your calendars you must visit: and enter code: XXXXXXX

i already entered the code 10s times at every restart.

There isn’t any file google_calendars.yaml in my config directory

i created one and put this inside:

- cal_id: "*****"
  - device_id: HA_Google_Calendar
    name: Google_Calendar
    track: true
- cal_id: "*****"
  - device_id: test_important
    name: Important Stuff
    track: true
    search: "#Important"
    offset: "!!"
  - device_id: test_unimportant
    name: UnImportant Stuff
    track: true
    search: "#UnImportant"

I have also calendar.ljmerzagmailcom installed but i have error 404

Any idea about what could be went wrong!

Very Thanks!

HA logs is full of this error

syncworker outh2client.client Failed to retrive access token
error invalid client unauthorized