Google calendar integration fails


I followed the prerequisites from succesfully

I then added the stuff in my config file
I got the notification and granted HA acces.
I also got the google.calendars file so; so far so good

i then added the sensor to my view page.
However, when looking to that page, i see a response error 400?

When looking in dev tools, the entity says its state is off

Anyone can help pls?
Would appreciate it !

I’m out of luck with this?
So many people having this integrated, i’m the only one bumping into this?

Hello, can you see Calendar under Developer Tools?

Thx for replying

The only thing i see is this

offset_reached: false
friendly_name: calendar.skank

OK, then you’re well on your way. the actual integration shows when the calendar event is in progress. There are many ways to use this in automation. one can also create a sensor that triggers an automation1 hour before the event. My google home reads at 7am today’s calendar events. But what I think you want to see is the calendar. see picture?

for this you need to install HACS and Atomic Calendar


Atomic Calendar:![calender2|349x500]

Google Atomic Calendar:


Thats strange, i need another plugin?
I already have HACS, and from HACS i already installed the “Calendar Card”
Shouldnt that be enough?

No you don’t need to install hacks. but maybe try the Atomic Calendar card if you haven’t tried it yet

intalled atomic calendar

now im getting error:

Cannot assign to read only property ‘0’ of object ‘[object Array]’
type: ‘custom:atomic-calendar’

  • calendar.skank

anyone? Still a no go here

copy and paste the code into the manual card. You only need to change the entity to your calendar. To be absolutely sure you are using the right entity. go to Developer Tools (status) type calendar.

Skjermbilde 2020-03-04 10.14.43

  - dateColor: white
    dateSize: 90
    dayWrapperLineColor: orange
    dimFinishedEvents: true
      - entity: calendar.baerum_g9_evje_1
    eventBarColor: orange
    finishedEventFilter: grayscale(100%)
    finishedEventOpacity: 0.3
    fullDayEventText: All day
    locationIconColor: 'rgb(255, 255, 255)'
    locationLinkColor: lightyellow
    locationTextSize: 90
    maxDaysToShow: 7
    progressBarColor: yellow
    showColors: withe
    showCurrentEventLine: false
    showLocation: true
    showMonth: false
    showProgressBar: true
    timeColor: white
    timeSize: 90
    title: Trenings Kalender Fotball
    titleColor: white
    titleSize: 100
    type: 'custom:atomic-calendar'
    untilText: Until
type: entities

ok here is my code

title: Skank
path: persoon1
theme: ios-dark-mode
  - type: horizontal-stack
      - type: picture
        image: /local/skank.jpg
      - type: entities
          - type: 'custom:atomic-calendar'
            dateColor: white
            dateSize: 90
            dayWrapperLineColor: orange
            dimFinishedEvents: true
              - entity: calendar.skank
            eventBarColor: orange
            finishedEventFilter: grayscale(100%)
            finishedEventOpacity: 0.3
            fullDayEventText: All day
            locationIconColor: 'rgb(255, 255, 255)'
            locationLinkColor: lightyellow
            locationTextSize: 90
            maxDaysToShow: 7
            progressBarColor: yellow
            showColors: withe
            showCurrentEventLine: false
            showLocation: true
            showMonth: false
            showProgressBar: true
            timeColor: white
            timeSize: 90
            title: Trenings Kalender Fotball
            titleColor: white
            titleSize: 100
            untilText: Until

Now im getting

pressing F says

Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 400 (Bad Request)

Really weird. can you make a temporary calendar and share it with me so i can see if it comes up here? Don’t think but can be something strange with your google account? I have a friend who struggles a lot with google home due to family sharing and developer account setup.

if you want to try so is my mail paarak “0”

You can see a little about Google error code here.

mm isnt there anyone who can help with the error? Especially someone who implemented the integration
only you who respond…

The google error code says enough no?
Retry the sync? how?