I’m trying to get the google calendar event integration setup, but am having troubles when I get to the step where my account gives access to the device I’ve added.
Here’s what I’ve done so far:
create a developer console account
added credentials
made sure that Calendar was enabled
add client id & secret to secrets.yaml; add google section in configuration.yaml using !secret
this prompts me to login, which I do, and it says it can see my calendar, to which I say “Allow”
At this point, something’s breaking. It says, “Success! Device connected” and it kinda just stops there. Doesn’t redirect to any othe page or anything. When I go back to home assistant, I don’t see any kind of calendars tab or area, and when I go into my google account I can’t see it as a connected app.
Any insight? Is this a bug on Google’s side? Something else I’m missing?
Update: I solved it by creating a new project in google console developer. I had a previous project, and was using that, but creating a new one and going through all the steps again solved the issue.
Hi There, I have the same issue with the Success from Google but HA not acknowledging it and giving the below error in the log, it hasn’t created anything in my Config folder.
On your advice I created a new project but when I re-run the Integration package on HA it doesn’t give me an option to re-key the name and authorisation codes so it’s still looking at the old project. It’s like it has cached them somewhere but I can’t work out where. I tried another browser but no joy. Did you come across this problem please and if so how did you resolve? Thanks
2022-06-10 13:56:03 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant] Error doing job: Task exception was never retrieved
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/google/api.py", line 123, in _poll_attempt
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable