Google Calendar - multiple calendars from multiple google accounts

Okay, I got this handy card in my mushroom-based dashboard and after showing it to my wife because I “hide” that card from her she asked for the very first time to code her something into the dasboard view.

type: custom:state-switch
entity: user
default: default
    type: conditional
      - entity: calendar.BIRTHDAYS_ME
        state: 'on'
      type: custom:mushroom-template-card
      layout: horizontal
        action: none
        action: none
        action: none
      icon: mdi:cake
      primary: '{{ state_attr(''calendar.BIRTHDADYS_ME'', ''message'') }} heute!'

So did what I had to do and head over to integrate her Google Calendar to do the very same with her contact birthday calendar.

But…that didn’t work as the Studio Code Server tells me I’ve duplicate input when I try to put another pair of google credentials in there.

That can’t be true, right? I should be able to add more the google account into HA, right? HA is almighty, right?

No, unfortunately I can’t share her contact calendar with my google account to simply show it in HA that way because the birthday (or contact) calendar isn’t shareable because it’s build upon birthday entries in her google contacts app.

Do you guys have any hint how to solve this?

Interested to see the results of this as I have a similar situation in my household. Apologies I can’t add to the conversation but will show support :smiley:

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Not yet. This is one motivation for moving credentials out of yaml in the last release. It should now be possible to add this for a future release so stay tuned…

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