Google Calendar - Notification / Reminders

In google calendar you can set multiple “reminders” to notify you about your upcoming event. I believe this feature would be a trivial add. I have been trying to get it to work via a custom component but when I try overriding (even without any code changes) all my calendars break.

This feature is available through the google v3 api Google Calendar Events. The homeassistant integration should use this information for triggering automations instead of / in addition to “offset”.

Desired usage for automations:

  - id: '1676310393788'
    alias: TestCalendar
    mode: single
    description: ''
    - platform: calendar
      event: start
      reminder_type: popup
      entity_id: calendar.personal
    condition: []
    - service: script.announce_calendar_event
        event_summary: trigger.calendar_event.summary

“reminder_type” options:
none, //Would operate as it does now. Not caring about “reminders”
email, //Would trigger when the event would notify via email. (See documentation)
popup //Would trigger when the event would notify via popup. (See documentation)

This is what the fields look like in google calendar.