Google Calendar Question (still learning how to use it)

I have a package for my zwave locks. One of the features that works well is setting a code to be set and to clear based on date/times. I’ve been looking at google calendar and thought this might be a better way to do things. Would probably be the easiest way to set up a reoccouing schedule like m-f 8 to 5, or similiar.

Anyway here is an example of what I have not for date/time inputs

    name: Start Time
    has_date: true
    has_time: true
    name: End Time
    has_date: true
    has_time: true

I’d like to be able to have these values set from a google calendar event if possible. But I’d still like them to be user selectable. Basically if there is no google calendar event, it’s manual, If there is a google calendar event, then google wins. Or something similar. I’m still trying to figure it out,so if there is a similiar or better way to do that, I’m open for suggestions