Google Calendar seams to sleep


I’ve configured the google calender to show holidays and some other events. After starting ha, the upcoming or active events are shown correct. The binary sensor shows on or off depends on event reached or not.

After the time reached for the events the binary_sensor doesn’t change state from off to on. Here are one of the sensors:

- cal_id: [email protected]
  - device_id: urlaub
    ignore_availability: true
    name: Urlaub
    search: "Urlaub"
    track: true

After the time reached the sensor is still off:

all_day: true
message: Urlaub
end_time: 2019-03-18 00:00:00
offset_reached: false
start_time: 2019-03-11 00:00:00
friendly_name: Urlaub

I also have the same problem if the event has finished. The sensor shows on anstead off. I checked the date on the server but it’s correct.

Now I’ve restarted my HA, after restart the binary sensor shows correct state on.

Is there a bug for me or I need to trigger the calender for update the states?
