My region publishes a google calendar for their waste collection schedule. I have subscribed to the calendar, integrated it into Home Assistant and am creating notifications based on searching google calendar for events named “Garbage”, “Recycling”, etc.
My problem is that they have now updated the calendar events with a comment to “soak fireworks in water before placing them in the garbage”. This comment has been added to every week’s entry so my search is triggering for “Garbage” every week.
I thought I could overcome this problem by changing my search term from “Garbage” to “Garbage and” as the calendar event only contains this phrase on weeks where garbage is collection. My problem is that is still seems to be triggering every week.
I have included the following in my google_calendars.yaml file:
- device_id: Garbage
name: Garbage
track: true
search: "#Garbage and"
Any thoughts on why this is not working as I expected?