Google Cast BlueIris Cameras with Home Assistant!

I too am having this issue and would like to get it working again. Have you figured it out yet?


No. Still using 0.99.3
I even posted on another forum and someone gave me a link to, supposedly, what I need to do but it was all Greek to me. If I can’t get it sorted, I’ll have to stick with 0.99.3 forever and ever. At least everything works.

Regarding the call above, can you above can you advise if you’re asking IFTTT to make this request. What is making the web request, can you elaborate a little more…

Sure. I use both IFTTT and BlueIris to make the requests. With IFTTT, I can say “Hey Google, Show me the Front Camera” and and the live feed video of the front IP Camera appears on my Google Hub. With BlueIris, I have set it so that if the Door Camera detects any motion, the live feed from the Door Camera appears on the Google Hub.

Does that help?

For me also not working after upgrade to the latest version.
Any solution? Can we use a token?

To integrate with IFTTT, follow these instructions:

For everything else, looks like you’re having trouble because the “legacy api password” is deprecated. You’ll have to use “long lived access tokens” and these are not stored in the URL but in the body of the http call. Example here: Tasker & Long Lived Access Tokens

It’s not easy, but good luck.

Thanks for the reply but I’m still none the wiser, sorry.
I know how to use and set up IFTTT, I’m using that all the time for various things.

It’s how and where to place and use the access token that is the problem. I looked through all the stuff you linked to but alas, it really didn’t help me at all. It pretty much all went over the top of my head. Obviously, it relates to Tasker which I’m not using and I don’t have any of the fields that Tasker offers, only the HTTP entry field and POST entry field as I explained above.

I’ve posted asking for help on various forums and the answers are nearly always the same, along the lines of “Seriously? Read the documentation” together with a link or three to what they presume to be some help or hint to what I’m supposed to do. The thing is, I’m no coder, I don’t have any desire to learn coding and without this, it’s therefore harder to understand the suggestions. I’ve also seen that I’m not the only one asking the same question and it really makes me sad and angry when I see someone has answered these poor people in the same way as I’ve had, my heart goes out to them.

What people like me CAN do is follow more clearly laid out instructions or copy and paste examples and alter our own IP addresses and Tokens etc. Such as following the clearly laid out step by step tutorial as laid out at the beginning of this topic which sadly now needs updating.

So if some kind person could help general hobbyist like myself, we would be very grateful. Otherwise no worries, I’ll just have to stay on version 0.99.3 which continues to work just fine. For now at least.

Thank you for understanding.

I hear what your saying. From a home assistant perspective the legacy api password was deprecated for security reasons is my understanding.

If you can live with 0.99.3 that’s fine. Note however your comments of not being a coder and having no desire to be a coder, may not warm yourself up to everyone else. And since you can see others wanting to achieve what you’re seeking to achieve I’d recommend messaging those individuals to see if between yourselves you’re able to make progress.

And don’t get “angry”, it helps nobody. You can’t reasonably expect complete strangers to go out of their way just to serve your needs when you aren’t putting in the required effort. The documentation for IFTTT is there, what are you having trouble with, can you detail the problems you’re facing? Hopefully if you manage to solve your problem, document those steps yourself in the detail you expect for the benefit of others.

I too had the same problem with the upgrade but it was known. I knew legacy passwords were being removed. I am now looking into using a MQTT broker with Blue Iris to accomplish the same things. See this article below.

I’m having trouble stream onto Nest Hub. My google Hub will start streaming but nothing come out just a black screen with the wording Playing Smart Home Camera and the running bar running that the bottom (left end show “0:00” right end show “LIVE”. After about 2 min it will stop and have black screen with the word “Smart Home Camera” in the middle.

I can get Picture Entity card doing live stream on HA but not google cast. Btw maybe a different question but is there an way to shorten the live stream lag on the picture entity card right now there about a 10 sec delay.

NVM got it working, now just need to find a way to get the stream delay.

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How did you solve? In my case I needed to remove the internal url option…
But I still have a extreme delay, it buffers a lot… Tried lowering the resolution to lowest, but still buffeting…
Tried with onvid/rtsp , always the same

The all black out screen is not issue with HA it just my router setting (pfsense). I disabled my DNS resolver and just use DNS forwarder and it solved the issue. As for the buffering will it still there right now I haven’t find anyway to get it better.

That buffering I do believe is base on how HA cast the stream onto google. Not totally sure how is done, but if you open your camera feed via a normal browser and then cast it over to nest via browser like normal or even cast it over via CATT there is no buffer and also you get a real time live feed. And not a feed that is in my case about 20 to 25 sec delay via HA.

I have the same issue

But I do not have pfsense, so any idea how can a fix this?

Does Google Home play audio as well or just video?

Hi guys,

trying to set this up. Is there anything I am missing since the Chromecast shows the image with HA logo + heart + Nabu casa with the statement Not Connected instead of the camera stream? I thought I don’t need the cloud if I have the google_assistant setup and running. What am I doing wrong? :slight_smile: Thanks for the advice.

Dude, same here. I want to stream without Nabu Casa. I’m getting the same error! Can someone help?


it looks like the screen is a sort of default error message displayed when something goes wrong.

I found out there is an error message logged in the system log about using internal IP which cannot be used for casting (or something similar to that :)). Anyway, I changed the internal URL in HA to be the same as the external URL, but apparently without any effect. Luckily I have the Blue Iris running so I followed the steps mentioned here.

Finally, I am able to play the camera streams on my Chromecast(s). I haven’t found yet a way how to switch the stream to better quality, so right now I use a slightly different approach - MJPEG stream of the cameras from BI which gives me better quality for now:

    - service: media_player.play_media
        media_content_id: http://<BlueIris_IP>/mjpg/garagefront/video.mjpg
        media_content_type: image/jpg

I believe there is a way how to improve the first stream, but I am OK with the second solution for now.

Are your cameras open on the Internet? I’ve set a user/pass for outside my network, maybe that is what’s blocking? It doesn’t make sense that my Google Hub needs to stream from Internet when it’s on the same network.

Also, it seems like the generic platform and Blue Iris don’t support user/pass together.


Nope, I have the user/pass set for them. But in Blue Iris you can configure to don’t require the authorization for LAN access. Hopefully someone else can shed some light on this topic.

If on your Google, you say: Ok Google, stream , does it work? I followed the step, I can see the cameras in Google Home but I get the error.

Which log did you check?
