Google Cast Suddenly won't display black background

I am on 2024.12.4 and have the problem, so not related.

True but I didn’t know if the newly released 2025.1.1 may fix this issue but we have deffiantly ruled out this being an issue within the core update.

Just tested on HA Core 2025.1.1 - it’s still broken.

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For me, this issue started with 2025.1.1, so it’s not related to HA. Something changed in the chromecast system firmware or cast firmware.

Hello everyone,

I watched the whole thing too. I mean the first time I saw it was yesterday evening after work. I also hadn’t done any updates or anything like that.
My devices are two Google Home Hubs 2 and two Lenovo Smart Displays.

I didn’t use a black background but images. Nevertheless, the background is shown to me as white. And yes, dark mode is switched on. :wink:
However, when I scroll down, the background image is shown to me in the previously hidden part. I tried to show this in photos. So there seems to be something suddenly different with the initialization or something.

Google Hub data:
System firmware version: 22.20240805.103.161
Cast firmware: 3.75.446835

Lenovo Smart Displays data:
Firmwareversion des Systems: OIMK.211005.001
Cast-Firmwareversion: 1.56.285116

Home Assistant data:
Home Assistant
Operating System14.1
Frontend20241127.8 ⸱ legacy
The same is after Updating to Core 2025.1.1.

Hopefully someone is smart and finds a solution.
I think something was changed by Google.

Greetz fromm Germany :wink:

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Seems like the same issue raised 3 years ago but this time a lot more widespread. Annoyingly this never had a resolution and was only reported by a few people.

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I’ve noticed that the cast default to white if it gets confused.

For the dashboards that I cast, I have custom backgrounds. Before dashboards supported background images, I had to play around with card_mod and style the CCS myself. This either worked, or presented a white background.

Recently, with the changes to support background images in the UI, I’ve noticed that if you tell it to use an image uploaded to HA, it won’t work and will present a white background, but giving it a publicly accessible link to the same image using HTTPS works (although that broke with this issue).

Continuing the discussion from Google Cast Suddenly won't display black background:

Hey buddy,

Just a quick one.

Are your system firmware and cast info listed for Home Hubs 2 separate identical devices. I know that sounds really stupid but the only common thing I have found with all Google Home Hubs listed is there all on:

  • System firmware version: 22.20240805.103.161
  • Cast firmware: 3.75.446835

So am tempted to assume its an issue with cast/ system firmware but yours is the only example I’ve seen as far that is against this trend so just wanted to check.

Hope thats ok :slight_smile:

Yes, this is 2 separate devices (Both Google Home Hubs)

Device 1

  • System firmware version: 22.20240805.103.161
  • Cast firmware: 3.75.446835

Device 2

  • System firmware version: 251641
  • Cast firmware version: 1.52.251641

I have no idea why they report differently, or why they have such odd/differing version formats. One of them was a somewhat recent eBay purchase, the other has been running for years. Possibly the eBay one hasn’t updated yet. It was new in box.


This was from a week prior. Seems my toothbrush changed colors :slight_smile:

I’ve got same issue and as I haven’t updated in a while, so I’m sure it’s not HA side, I’ve opened topic in Nest Community, not 100% it will help but still.

Thanks for that.

I know that may have sounded like a stupid question but that only common denominator with all all the Google hubs that I could see form the posts was the versions but yours seems to buff that trend so I’m stumped at the moment on the issue.

Not caused by HA update or Google update to decide

It’s not just Google Hubs. I have the issue when casting to several Nvidia Shield TVs. It does seem like a Cast issue, though.

Also true. Didn’t know if the firmware was what linked the Google Hubs together that’s all but that’s been disproved. The fact its affecting all devices supporting Chromecast devices like Nvidia Shields and Lenovo Smart Displays says maybe as someone Google has changed something in the way Chromecast works???

That would be my assumption. My (very limited) understanding of how it works is that HA doesn’t communicate with the casting device directly, but it goes via Google. If they’ve changed something (API), or had an outage or introduced a bug, it could result in what we’re seeing.

Not a “solution” but a quick fix. For those using a single card and panel view, you can use card mod to manually apply a black background to the entire panel.

type: custom:card-mod
    hui-grid-card$:  |
       div#root {
           background-color: black;

Same issue here, started today and I have made NO changes or updates to HA in the past few weeks. For me its not just black background, I have some dashboards with red and other colors that are all just plain grey/white now. All fine in browser or on mobile, just crap via casting.

+1 to the same issue with no changes to HA other than regular HA Core updates. Dark background suddenly started appearing as white background when casting to Chromecast Ultra a couple days ago while on 2024.12.5. Upgrade to 2025.1.1 provided no change to the issue.

Previously, the dashboard cast had a black background for at least several months. Now, casting dashboard to TV with Chromecast Ultra and a different TV with Chromecast built-in show a white background. Mobile app and desktop browser still show the black background, as desired.

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I noticed that if I if I create a long dashboard that requires scrolling, the black background does appear at the end of the page. This suggests that the issue isn’t the absence of a black background but rather that the background is being pushed to the bottom of the page, I update the github issue with this finding: Google Cast won’t display black background · Issue #134984 · home-assistant/core · GitHub

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Same here!

Same Here → No black Background with Google nest hub cast dashboard.