Google Cloud - key file not found

i am trying to integrate google_cloud to use the text to speech API. I followed all the instruction but I always have an error that my config file do not exists. I tried different location / path and always not working.

I am running hassio on Debian 10.

Here’s my config in the yaml :


  • platform: google_cloud
    key_file: ha.json
    language: fr-CA
    gender: female
    voice: fr-CA-Standard-C
    encoding: linear16
    speed: 0.9
    pitch: -2.5

And the ha.json file is in the config folder within homeassistant.
Full path from the Debian host : /usr/share/hassio/homeassistant/config/ha.json

I did force a chmod 777 on the ha.json just in case.

Any clue ?