Google drive backup nor working

Google drive backup problem

So last night I had a notification saying Google drive backup wasn’t working, so I left it till this morning to see if it would sort itself outta.

Here’s what I’m getting Google drive backup - Album on Imgur

Anyone have any ideas on what I should do?

Also tried to re authorise when you click it comes up with 401: Unathorized and I’m not sure where you copy through link to

Now I’ve managed to copy the link but I now get this A - Album on Imgur

Now tried uninstalling and reinstalling the add on which gives me this Reinstall - Album on Imgur

Managed to reinstall but get this error Install - Album on Imgur

In devices and services there’s a couple of integrations not working too, plus my eero wan status says unavailable but everything seems to be working P - Album on Imgur

Has to be something big because I’ve just tried to install another plugin with the same results

Could it be an internet connection problem for your home assistant instance?

That’s what I’m thinking too but I’m not sure what to do from there. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated

Did you try to ssh your system and ping one of external websites (ping and let’s see if it has connection

comes up with ping bad address ‘’ that’s using the terminal add on

I can ping the ip of the pi though

it means, your home assistant has access to local network but not to external internet. I would suggest checking network setup, all others seem to be a result of connection problem.

Well I’ve got no idea how but it seems to be working. The terminal add on still seems to be pinging its local ip, how can I stop this to ping google just to be sure?