Google Dynamic DNS

Anyone have an addon for this? I used ddclient to run it on my Ubuntu server build but in hassio it doesn’t let me install anything even with the developer mode enabled where I can see the whole file system.

I am trying to do the same thing, did you figure this out ?

Interested as well. Any luck achieving this?

I’m also interested in this. There’s a Google Domain’s component:

But in my situation I have multiple domains I need updated; from what I can tell you can only setup one

Edit: This is where I ended up


    url: https://user:[email protected]/nic/update?
    url: https://user:[email protected]/nic/update?


- id: 'uniqueid'
  alias: Update Domains
  - platform: time
    minutes: '/5'
    seconds: 00
  condition: []
    - service: rest_command.domain1
    - service: rest_command.domain2
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Other than the above example from jayoungers (which I couldn’t get to work), anyone get multiple domains to work with built in google dns updater -

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@dheat I followed the example from @jayoungers and it worked

In my configuration.yaml I have:

rest_command: !include restcommands.yaml

In restcommands.yaml I have:

  url: https://USER:[email protected]/nic/update?hostname=DOMAIN.NAME.GOOGLE

The automation looks like this:

- id: Update Google DNS
  alias: Update Google DNS
  description: ''
  - platform: homeassistant
    event: start
  - platform: time_pattern
    minutes: /5
  condition: []
  - service: rest_command.domain1
  mode: single

hi, am i right, does the integration update the public ip address on google domains?