Google Home "household" routines do not work for family members

Hi folks.

I can’t seem to get a routine in google home (using a scene or script from HA) to work for other family members. I use the Nabu Casa integration which I linked to the home app on my android phone.

Do I need to link nabu casa on all family members phones or am I doing something wrong?

Switches exported by HA work fine for everyone, it just seems to be routines using “scenes”.


You need to assign your scenes and scripts to a room before household members can use them. There is, AFAIK, no way to do that in the Google home app. So you need to do it in HA. You can do this in the gui. Open the scene or script, click on the 3 dots in the upper right corner, choose information and then settings. There you can assign an area. Notice that has to be the same area name as in Google home. If you use different area names in Google home, you can also do it in configuration.yaml. Then say ‘ok google, sync my devices’ and then it should work.

There is one caveat though. If you have multiple homes in Google home, this method won’t work. And I haven’t found a way to assign scenes and scripts to a room of you have multiple homes in your google home app.


In 2024 this is still the answer and fix. Thank you!