Google Home Hub

Google just announced their new Google Home Hub, and all I’m thinking about is how it will integrate with Home Assistant + Cloud.

I’d love to be able to use it do display my floorplan while not in use.


Would be great of it could be used. Since HA is compatible with Google Assistant I imagine it would be quite easy to expose it to Hub?

I would be really interested to know if the HA Generic Thermostat shows up on the Google Home Hub or the new Google Home app when using HA Cloud?

Anything you have configured to be exposed to google assistant will be visible. I have a generic thermostat exposed using the manual configuration but it would be no different for HA Cloud.

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Has anyone tried the hub with HA yet?

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Anyone tried yet?

I’ve just bought a home hub and waiting for it to arrive. Hopefully using it as a home assistant interface and baby cam