Google Home Integration family member

Google home Integration works well and did it for months. Since one or two weeks I’ve got a strange behavior: if a family member wants to interact with a hass device he will get the response: " Hass is currently not available". If I am interacting (like turning the lights on) it works. AFTER that the other family member is able to interact with Hass devices for a couple of minutes

I really don’t know what to do, my whole family is kinda pissed right now, pls help.

This was just noticed by my wife and I this weekend. I have no idea why though.

I’m going to try and retest on Google actions. I read that needs to be done every 30 days or so. I have not confirmed it though.

Same issue here. I’m waiting for my wife to get home so I can test on mine, so not a confirmed solution, but you could try adding your family members as project owners? (or other roles)

Go to

Select your project and then hit menu and Manage user access.


From there add as a Project Owner and see if that works?
(Tick the email option so they can accept the role)


This didn’t actually work, but leaving here in case anyone needs to add another user to their project.

What did work in my case was opening the Google Home app and just manually syncing with the project again.

Didn’t worked for me :frowning: