Just got a new Google Home Mini and setup HASSIO on Rasberry Pi3. I’ve seen where Google Home can be integrated with HA, although I am bit lost on how to actually make it happen. Outside of my Windows 10 computer that I use to manage HA, am I going to need any other special software (like Python) to get it up and running?
All you need to do is follow the instructions in the component page.
The only extra software you need is the gactions
tool, which you run once during setup, but the guide tells you about that. Since you’re running on Hass.io you can simply do those steps on your Windows PC, using the Windows version of gactions
Thanks Tinkerer. I think my problem must be more fundamental when I execute gactions on my computer, nothing happens. Just to make sure, gactions should be installed on my computer and HA on RaspberryPi? The project.json file is also stored on my computer and not the RaspberryPi, correct? If there is some more fundamental training/reading I should review, could someone kindly point me in the right direction?
i expect that you are using windows. You do not need to “install” gactions, simply extract the executable etc. in a folder, put the edited project.json into the same folder.
then you need to navigate to the folder in the command prompt (start --> run --> cmd) and copy the edited link (gaction update…) into the command prompt and hit enter, then continue with the instructions.
Probably you’re over thinking it - when you run gactions
the only thing that should happen is a URL being displayed.
I assume you’re running it from the command line?
I think this is the problem with the way the instructions are written. They make many assumptions about peoples level of computer skill / experience. Another example is the generation of the random strings for the client ID and access token. Considering many of us are using Windows to run gactions, it should really explain a way a generate those strings considering the commands provided in the instructions are for Linux. I used a web based Linux code emulator but many others have become stumped by this step as it is not overly obvious to everyone.
Nope. That was the problem. Your help, along with d0nnae helped me through.